
Majoolite is included in the Chamjo Design site. Is a design inspiration site and a curated collection of Asia-based app patterns.



Majoolite Apps


Sr. UI UX Designer

The Background,
and my role

"As a Senior UI/UX Designer at Majoo, I was assigned by my design manager to lead this project. The feature had been previously released, but there were some pages that needed improvement".

The increasing number of Point of Sale (POS) application users in Indonesia, especially among local Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM), is a rapidly growing trend. Currently, many establishments such as coffee shops, small eateries, and retail stores have begun adopting POS applications to aid in their sales.

Additionally, there are employees or home-based businesses just starting out, eager to use POS applications but facing challenges due to the relatively high subscription costs tailored for small-scale businesses. Some POS features may also be unnecessary for small-scale businesses.

Therefore, Majoo aims to assist these small-scale business pioneers in using POS applications with affordable costs tailored to their needs. Moreover, the application is designed with a user-friendly and comfortable User Experience (UX) to facilitate ease of use.


Target Users

Employees who are starting a side business and wish to explore technology to help them record transactions and view sales reports. Small-scale entrepreneurs or those newly entering the business world face challenges due to the relatively high subscription costs in Majoo Premium and other Majoo competitors.

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) or entrepreneurs who do not require comprehensive features such as employee management, payroll, and others, as their workforce consists of only 1-2 individuals, with the owner often serving as the cashier.


Problem & Feedback

At the initial release, there were some feedback from the CEO and stakeholders suggesting improvements for the home page, which was considered less appealing and informative. In response, my team and I revamped the home page to make it more visually appealing and eliminate any sense of emptiness.

We also added several features, such as payment options using QRIS, EDC, E Wallet, and the inclusion of an online store feature, which was highly demanded by Majoolite customers.


Old Design


Redesign Majoolite

Home Page

After receiving feedback from the CEO and stakeholders, we held discussions with the product owner. Based on the feedback, we began crafting a more engaging and informative interface to ensure users can easily access and obtain clear information aligned with their business needs, such as viewing reports and balances directly from the main page.


On the transaction page, users can expedite the process by selecting the products of their choice, which are then directly proceeded to the order details. In the order details, users can review customer orders for any modifications, additional discounts, extra charges, or save them for later placement in the order list if the user prefers to pay at the end.


Majoolite is equipped with three payment options: cash, e-wallet, EDC, and QRIS, providing customers with the convenience to choose their preferred method of payment. For small businesses, this feature is quite sufficient as Majoolite offers a variety of payment options. Before this enhancement, Majoolite only supported cash and EDC payments.

Interview Users

After the release of Majoolite a few months ago, we endeavored to gather data on user experiences during the past months in 2023. Assisted by our Majoo UX Research team, we obtained valuable insights from customers regarding their user experiences with Majoolite in 2023. The details are provided below.


There were several users who we contacted by telephone because it adapted to the user's conditions at that time.

UD. Djaya Bersama - Active User
UD. Djaya Bersama - Active User

Name: Muhammad Safriansyah

  • Small-scale coffee shop
  • Just established for 1 year
  • Has 4 staff members
  • Located in North Kalimantan
  • 5 months of using Majoolite
Why choose majoolite
Why choose majoolite?
  • Sufficient for recording transactions
  • Affordable and tailored to needs
  • Tried using the Moka app before, but it was expensive, and there were many features that are not currently needed.
  • Future plan is to upgrade to Majoo Premium.
  • No initial receipt printing feature
  • If there is a server error, sometimes manual recording is necessary.
Ratings given by users from 1-10
  • The user gives a score of 8 because it is easy to use.
  • The user gives a score of 2 due to frequent server errors during the data processing.
Siomay Kita - Active User
Siomay Kita - Active User

Name: Rezky Zulfikor

  • Small-scale coffee shop
  • Just established for 2 years
  • Located in Cirebon
  • 5 months of using Majoolite Has 1 cashier
Why choose majoolite
Why choose majoolite?
  • Affordable pricing tailored to needs
  • Previously used Moka but it was expensive
  • Easy to use and not complicated
  • Prefer using it on a smartphone because it's simple
  • No plans for upgrading to Majoo Premium yet
  • Server error occurred.
  • The application sometimes experiences lag.
Ratings given by users from 1-10
  • The user gives a score of 8 because it is easy to use.
  • The user gives a score of 2 due to frequent server errors and lag.
Rumah Makan Oasis - Active User
Rumah Makan Oasis - Active User

Name: Yanti

  • Small-scale eatery
  • Just established for 2 years
  • Located in Gorontalo
  • 9 months of using Majoolite
  • Has 1 cashier
Why choose majoolite
Why choose majoolite?
  • Affordable pricing tailored to needs
  • Using Majoolite from the beginning
  • Easy to use and comfortable
  • No plans for upgrading to Majoo Premium yet
  • There has been a price increase for Majoolite, but it is still safe and comfortable.
  • There is still no feature to print all summaries in the data report.
Ratings given by users from 1-10
  • The user gives a score of 8 because it is easy to use.
  • The user gives a score of 2 because there is no feature to print all summaries in the data report.
Amor Petshop - Active User
Amor Petshop - Active User

Name: Nadia

  • Small-scale store
  • Just established for 2 years
  • Located in Bangka Belitung
  • 5 months of using Majoolite
  • Has several employees
Why choose majoolite
Why choose majoolite?
  • Affordable price
  • Attractive interface
  • Relatively easy to use and understand
  • Even used by the elderly quite easily
  • No plans for upgrading to Majoo Premium yet
  • There was a server error while searching for the product to be selected for the transaction.
  • Category data did not appear due to a server error.
Ratings given by users from 1-10
  • The user gives a score of 9 because it is easy and meets expectations.
  • The user gives a score of 1 due to frequent server errors.

Total downloads from March 2023 - May 2023 reached 4000+ downloads

Total downloads in January 2024 will reach 10,000+ downloads



Based on our interviews with active Majoolite users, we gathered some data. Majoolite received an average rating of 8.25 out of 10 from 4 users due to its attractive and user-friendly interface. However, it also received a low rating of 1.75 out of 10 due to server errors. Additionally, there are some features that have not been developed yet.

Following the improvements, Majoolite received positive responses from the users we interviewed. Moving forward, there is room for further enhancement and the addition of features without surpassing Majoo Premium's capabilities, ensuring alignment with the initial goals.

The number of Majoolite app downloads from March 2023 to May 2023 was over 4,000+. After the improvements, the total number of Majoolite downloads increased to 10,000+ users by January 2024.


Thank you!